Monday, January 24, 2011

workshop 4: Light/shadow/projection

            Composition: I love the flow of the light hitting the guitar case guiding your eye from the 
            right  to the bottom right back up to the image of the guitar projected. It has a nice balance 
            of darks and lights that really move your eye around the picture.
Concept: I was trying to project an image I made about my mom onto a sculpture I had made about my mom. The sculpture was very light colored but I didn’t take into account the fact that there were many holes light could escape through so the image wasn’t being captured. I decided to try to make the image larger and put the object in the scene but that wasn’t very successful either. Then I decided to try it out on another object, my guitar. Since the image being projected was an image of my mom’s guitar I decided that projecting it on my own would be conceptually projecting her interests/beliefs/morals/etc on myself like she has my whole life. My mother is a huge part of my life and means a lot to me so in the end plan b turned out to be conceptually stronger than plan a and I think it turned out well.
Method: I used a very old projector, like one your old middle school teacher would use to project math notes and problems.
Extension: I could possibly push this concept further and project different images of my family on specific objects that mean something to me or have a connection to them.

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