Tuesday, January 18, 2011

blog prompts

1. Think of various ways in which your “view” or visual perception of the world is altered, distorted, manipulated, reframed, blurred, disrupted, obstructed, etc. List some. 
      through objects made of glass, windows, door frames, stairwells...
2. What objects “change” the way you “see” things in the world?
     sunglasses, eyeglasses, 3-d glasses, goggles...
3. What experiences change the way you “see” things in the world?  
    blindness, eyesight, losing vision in one eye...

4. What is the relationship between the way you visually “see” the world and the way you “experience” the world? 
    visually seeing has a big role in the way you experience the world, without being able to visually view the world you rely on your other senses. When you look back at a particular experience in your life your brain replays the visual aspects of that experience, then comes the emotions you feel towards those visions. Visually seeing has a strong relation to our experiences.

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