Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Time & Motion Design: Stop Motion Piece

Game Day from Sarah hinton on Vimeo.

This is a typical Saturday for myself and friends. I wanted to capture the "everyday moment" of us getting up early Saturday mornings to tailgate with friends and watch the game. Usually our home games are at noon so this means waking up around 7am, which is not easy to do after a Friday night. We get ready together and always tell everyone to be ready by 8 to leave for the tailgate. My friend Petra is ALWAYS late whether she likes to admit it or not so I knew this must be included in the piece. Once we finally round everyone up we walk from my apartment towards houses near campus. Somehow we always get lost and sometimes even use my GPS to navigate us toward the right direction. Once we arrive we always have a great time but the hardest part - which is always my job - is to get everyone to leave the tailgate and go to the game. In this piece I wanted to put a twist on that. Instead of shooting us arriving at the game we end up arriving at an empty stadium. The girls look puzzled and Petra realizes the game was home, not away - completely missing the whole intention of tailgating in the first place. I dedicated this piece to my boyfriend Garrett who misses out on the tailgates every Saturday because he himself is playing in the game, which I assure him - really, you're not missing out :)


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