Friday, April 1, 2011

Blog Prompt #23

1. What is the concept driving your thesis project at this point in the semester? Has your concept changed since the beginning of the semester? If so, describe the changes?
⁃ My concept has stayed consistent throughout the semester, that being Home & Nature. Focusing on life lessons.
2. How has your process of experimentation and image creation throughout the semester expanded, redirected, altered, or tightened your concept?
⁃ I don't know if its done any of the above to my concept. I've mainly struggled with incorporating my images into the specific concept of the page and making that relate fluidly throughout my pages (use of scanned-in fabrics etc.)
3. How has your process of experimentation and image creation throughout the semester affected the visual aspects of your work?
⁃ The process of scanning in found fabrics/papers/etc. has had a huge affect on the images I use and how they fit in the frame. the scanned-in images sets the shape and feel of the page and how the image relates to it.
4. Describe how the visual aspects of your project align with the content and concept of your project. Are there ways in which they seem contrary to your concept? How might you tackle this misalignment?
⁃ I think the visual aspects of my project directly relate to my theme of home and nature. the visuals are very homy objects that also play off nature so i think they're working really well at the moment.

Blog Prompt #24 (Related to M.F.A. talks)

1. Which of the presenters’ work did you most relate to or were most inspired by?

2. Which of the presenters’ ideas did you most relate to or were you most inspired by?

3. Describe how one of the presenters revealed new layers of meaning in her/his work through their talk. How did your understanding of the work change or what did you learn that you were not aware of when viewing/experiencing the work prior to hearing the talks?

4. What would you have wished to hear more about through their talks?

5. Did you find that the ideas discussed were clearly represented in the formal/visual/sensory aspects of work? Did you find that the work revealed other ideas beyond what the artist discussed? Did you find that there were disconnects or that the words and visual elements of the works connected?

I was absent that day :(

Blog Prompt 25
Challenge: Think of a location that your thesis project could be displayed, exhibited, disseminated, installed, shop-dropped (, placed, hidden, mounted, projected, inserted, etc. that is outside the traditional gallery setting.
I would love to make many copies of my book and pass them out to elementary students. i was very young when i received my copy and used to love looking through the pictures and having my family read it to me. i think its very important to teach morals at a young age and being able to relate the words to an image is very helpful to young children.

1 comment:

  1. These are really interesting and I feel like they work really well with your theme! PS. I love the background of your blog!

    Jessica Halfyard
